Loading a RDA file with custom types from CRAN#

A more advanced example showing how to read a dataset in the RDATA format from the CRAN repository of R packages that include custom R types.

We will show how to load the graph of the classical seven bridges of Königsberg problem from the R package igraphdata.


This is for illustration purposes only. If you plan to use the same dataset repeatedly it is better to download it, or to use a package that caches it, such as scikit-datasets.

We will make use of the function urllib.request.urlopen() to load the url, as well as the package rdata. The package is a tar file so we need also to import the tarfile module. We will use the package igraph for constructing the graph in Python. Finally, we will import some plotting routines from Matplotlib.

import tarfile
from urllib.request import urlopen

import igraph
import igraph.drawing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex

import rdata

The following URL contains the link to download the package from CRAN.

pkg_url = (

The dataset is contained in the “data” folder, as it is common for R packages. The file is named Koenisberg and it is in the RDATA format (.rda extension).

data_path = "igraphdata/data/Koenigsberg.rda"

We proceed to open the package using urlopen() and tarfile.

with urlopen(pkg_url) as package:
    with tarfile.open(fileobj=package, mode="r|gz") as package_tar:
        for member in package_tar:
            if member.name == data_path:
                dataset = package_tar.extractfile(member)
                assert dataset
                with dataset:
                    parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file(dataset)

We could try to convert this dataset to Python objects.

/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/rdata/envs/stable/lib/python3.9/site-packages/rdata/conversion/_conversion.py:856: UserWarning: Missing constructor for R class "igraph". The underlying R object is returned instead.
{'Koenigsberg': [array([4.]), array([False]), array([1., 1., 3., 3., 3., 2., 2.]), array([0., 0., 0., 1., 2., 1., 1.]), array([1., 0., 6., 5., 2., 3., 4.]), array([1., 0., 2., 6., 5., 3., 4.]), array([0., 0., 2., 4., 7.]), array([0., 3., 6., 7., 7.]), [array([1., 0., 1.]), {'name': array(['The seven bidges of Koenigsberg'], dtype='<U31')}, {'name': array(['Altstadt-Loebenicht', 'Kneiphof', 'Vorstadt-Haberberg', 'Lomse'],
      dtype='<U19'), 'Euler_letter': array(['B', 'A', 'C', 'D'], dtype='<U1')}, {'Euler_letter': array(['a', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'g', 'c', 'd'], dtype='<U1'), 'name': array(['Kraemer Bruecke', 'Schmiedebruecke', 'Holzbruecke',
       'Honigbruecke', 'Hohe Bruecke', 'Gruene Bruecke', 'Koettelbruecke'],
      dtype='<U15')}], REnvironment({}, REnvironment({}))]}

From this representation, we can see that .rda files contain a mapping of variable names to objects, and not just one object as .rds files. In this case there is just one variable called “Koenigsberg”, as the dataset itself, but that is not necessarily always the case.

We can also see that there is no default conversion for the “igraph” class, representing a graph. Thus, the converted object is a list of the underlying vectors used by this type.

It is however possible to define our own conversion routines for R classes using the package rdata. For that purpose we need to create a “constructor” function, that accepts as arguments the underlying object to convert and its attributes, and returns the converted object.

In this example, the object will be received as a list, corresponding to the igraph_t structure defined by the igraph package. We will convert it to a Graph object from the Python version of the igraph package. The attrs dict is empty and will not be used.

def graph_constructor(obj, attrs):
    """Construct graph object from R representation."""
    n_vertices = int(obj[0][0])
    is_directed = obj[1]
    edge_from = obj[2].astype(int)
    edge_to = obj[3].astype(int)

    # output_edge_index = obj[4]
    # input_edge_index = obj[5]
    # output_vertex_edge_index = obj[6]
    # input_vertex_edge_index = obj[7]

    graph_attrs = obj[8][1]
    vertex_attrs = obj[8][2]
    edge_attrs = obj[8][3]

    return igraph.Graph(
        edges=list(zip(edge_from, edge_to)),

We create a dict with all the constructors that we want to apply. In this case, we include first the default constructors (which provide transformations for common R classes) and our newly created constructor. The key used for the dictionary entries should be the name of the corresponding R class.

constructor_dict = {
    "igraph": graph_constructor,

We can now call the rdata.conversion.convert() functtion, supplying the dictionary of constructors to use.

Finally, we check the constructed graph by plotting it using the igraph.drawing.plot() function.

fig, axes = plt.subplots()
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1)
plot cran

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.025 seconds)

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