Source code for rdata.conversion._conversion

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import warnings
from collections import ChainMap
from import Callable, Mapping, MutableMapping, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from fractions import Fraction
from types import MappingProxyType, SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Final, NamedTuple, Union, cast

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray
from typing_extensions import override

from .. import parser

ConversionFunction = Callable[[Union[parser.RData, parser.RObject]], Any]

[docs] class RLanguage(NamedTuple): """R language construct.""" elements: list[Any] attributes: Mapping[str, Any]
[docs] class RExpression(NamedTuple): """R expression.""" elements: list[RLanguage]
[docs] @dataclass class RBuiltin: """R builtin.""" name: str
[docs] @dataclass class RFunction: """R function.""" environment: Mapping[str, Any] formals: Mapping[str, Any] | None body: RLanguage attributes: Mapping[str, Any] @property def source(self) -> str: return "\n".join(self.attributes["srcref"].srcfile.lines)
[docs] @dataclass class RExternalPointer: """R bytecode.""" protected: Any tag: Any
[docs] @dataclass class RBytecode: """R bytecode.""" code: xarray.DataArray constants: Sequence[Any] attributes: Mapping[str, Any]
[docs] class REnvironment(ChainMap[str, Any]): """R environment.""" def __init__( self, *maps: MutableMapping[str, Any], frame: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(*maps) self.frame = frame
def convert_list( r_list: parser.RObject, conversion_function: ConversionFunction, ) -> Mapping[str, Any] | list[Any]: """ Expand a tagged R pairlist to a Python dictionary. Args: r_list: Pairlist R object, with tags. conversion_function: Conversion function to apply to the elements of the list. By default is the identity function. Returns: A dictionary with the tags of the pairwise list as keys and their corresponding values as values. See Also: convert_vector """ if is parser.RObjectType.NILVALUE: return {} if not in { parser.RObjectType.LIST, parser.RObjectType.LANG, }: msg = "Must receive a LIST, LANG or NILVALUE object" raise TypeError(msg) tag = None if r_list.tag is None else conversion_function(r_list.tag) cdr = conversion_function(r_list.value[1]) if tag is not None: if cdr is None: cdr = {} return {tag: conversion_function(r_list.value[0]), **cdr} if cdr is None: cdr = [] return [conversion_function(r_list.value[0]), *cdr] def convert_env( r_env: parser.RObject, conversion_function: ConversionFunction, ) -> REnvironment: """Convert environment objects.""" if is not parser.RObjectType.ENV: msg = "Must receive a ENV object" raise TypeError(msg) frame = conversion_function(r_env.value.frame) enclosure = conversion_function(r_env.value.enclosure) hash_table = conversion_function(r_env.value.hash_table) dictionary = {} if hash_table is not None: for d in hash_table: if d is not None: dictionary.update(d) return REnvironment(dictionary, enclosure, frame=frame) def convert_attrs( r_obj: parser.RObject, conversion_function: ConversionFunction, ) -> Mapping[str, Any]: """ Return the attributes of an object as a Python dictionary. Args: r_obj: R object. conversion_function: Conversion function to apply to the elements of the attribute list. By default is the identity function. Returns: A dictionary with the names of the attributes as keys and their corresponding values as values. See Also: convert_list """ if r_obj.attributes: attrs = cast( Mapping[str, Any], conversion_function(r_obj.attributes), ) else: attrs = {} return attrs def convert_vector( r_vec: parser.RObject, conversion_function: ConversionFunction, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[Any] | Mapping[str, Any]: """ Convert a R vector to a Python list or dictionary. If the vector has a ``names`` attribute, the result is a dictionary with the names as keys. Otherwise, the result is a Python list. Args: r_vec: R vector. conversion_function: Conversion function to apply to the elements of the vector. By default is the identity function. attrs: Attributes of the vector. Returns: A dictionary with the ``names`` of the vector as keys and their corresponding values as values. If the vector does not have an argument ``names``, then a normal Python list is returned. See Also: convert_list """ if attrs is None: attrs = {} if not in { parser.RObjectType.VEC, parser.RObjectType.EXPR, }: msg = "Must receive a VEC or EXPR object" raise TypeError(msg) value: list[Any] | Mapping[str, Any] = [ conversion_function(o) for o in r_vec.value ] # If it has the name attribute, use a dict instead field_names = attrs.get("names") if field_names is not None: value = dict(zip(field_names, value)) return value def safe_decode(byte_str: bytes, encoding: str) -> str | bytes: """Decode a (possibly malformed) string.""" try: return byte_str.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError as e: warnings.warn( # noqa: B028 f"Exception while decoding {byte_str!r}: {e}", ) return byte_str def convert_char( r_char: parser.RObject, *, default_encoding: str | None = None, force_default_encoding: bool = False, ) -> str | bytes | None: """ Decode a R character array to a Python string or bytes. The bits that signal the encoding are in the general pointer. The string can be encoded in UTF8, LATIN1 or ASCII, or can be a sequence of bytes. Args: r_char: R character array. default_encoding: Default encoding to apply when encoding info is not available. force_default_encoding: Always use the default encoding. Returns: Decoded string. See Also: convert_symbol """ if is not parser.RObjectType.CHAR: msg = "Must receive a CHAR object" raise TypeError(msg) if r_char.value is None: return None assert isinstance(r_char.value, bytes) encoding = None if not force_default_encoding: if & parser.CharFlags.UTF8: encoding = "utf_8" elif & parser.CharFlags.LATIN1: encoding = "latin_1" elif & parser.CharFlags.ASCII: encoding = "ascii" elif & parser.CharFlags.BYTES: encoding = "bytes" if encoding is None: if default_encoding: encoding = default_encoding else: # Assume ASCII if no encoding is marked warnings.warn("Unknown encoding. Assumed ASCII.") # noqa: B028 encoding = "ascii" return ( r_char.value if encoding == "bytes" else safe_decode(r_char.value, encoding) ) def convert_symbol( r_symbol: parser.RObject, conversion_function: ConversionFunction, ) -> str | bytes: """ Decode a R symbol to a Python string or bytes. Args: r_symbol: R symbol. conversion_function: Conversion function to apply to the char element of the symbol. By default is the identity function. Returns: Decoded string. See Also: convert_char """ if is parser.RObjectType.SYM: symbol = conversion_function(r_symbol.value) assert isinstance(symbol, str) return symbol msg = "Must receive a SYM object" raise TypeError(msg) def convert_array( r_array: parser.RObject, attrs: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray[Any, Any] | xarray.DataArray: """ Convert a R array to a Numpy ndarray or a Xarray DataArray. If the array has attribute ``dimnames`` the output will be a Xarray DataArray, preserving the dimension names. Args: r_array: R array. attrs: Attributes of the array. Returns: Array. See Also: convert_vector """ if attrs is None: attrs = {} if not in { parser.RObjectType.LGL, parser.RObjectType.INT, parser.RObjectType.REAL, parser.RObjectType.CPLX, }: msg = "Must receive an array object" raise TypeError(msg) value = r_array.value shape = attrs.get("dim") if shape is not None: # R matrix order is like FORTRAN value = np.reshape(value, shape, order="F") dimension_names = None coords = None dimnames = attrs.get("dimnames") if dimnames: if isinstance(dimnames, Mapping): dimension_names = list(dimnames.keys()) coords = dimnames else: dimension_names = [f"dim_{i}" for i, _ in enumerate(dimnames)] coords = { dimension_names[i]: d for i, d in enumerate(dimnames) if d is not None } value = xarray.DataArray( value, dims=dimension_names, coords=coords, ) return value # type: ignore [no-any-return] R_INT_MIN = -2**31 def _dataframe_column_transform(source: Any) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 if isinstance(source, np.ndarray): if np.issubdtype(source.dtype, np.integer): return pd.Series(source, dtype=pd.Int32Dtype()).array if np.issubdtype(source.dtype, np.bool_): return pd.Series(source, dtype=pd.BooleanDtype()).array if np.issubdtype(source.dtype, np.str_): return pd.Series(source, dtype=pd.StringDtype()).array return source def dataframe_constructor( obj: Mapping[str, Any], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> pd.DataFrame: row_names = attrs["row.names"] obj = {key: _dataframe_column_transform(val) for key, val in obj.items()} # Default row names are stored as [R_INT_NA, -len] default_row_names_len = 2 index: pd.RangeIndex | tuple[str, ...] = ( pd.RangeIndex(1, abs(row_names[1]) + 1) if ( len(row_names) == default_row_names_len and isinstance(row_names, and row_names.mask[0] ) else tuple(row_names) ) return pd.DataFrame(obj, columns=obj, index=index) def _factor_constructor_internal( obj: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.integer[Any]]], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], *, ordered: bool, ) -> pd.Categorical: values = [attrs["levels"][i - 1] if i >= 0 else None for i in obj] return pd.Categorical(values, attrs["levels"], ordered=ordered) def factor_constructor( obj: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.integer[Any]]], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> pd.Categorical: """Construct a factor objects.""" return _factor_constructor_internal(obj, attrs, ordered=False) def ordered_constructor( obj: np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[np.integer[Any]]], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> pd.Categorical: """Contruct an ordered factor.""" return _factor_constructor_internal(obj, attrs, ordered=True) def ts_constructor( obj: np.ndarray[Any, Any], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> pd.Series[Any]: """Construct a time series object.""" start, end, frequency = attrs["tsp"] frequency = int(frequency) real_start = Fraction(int(round(start * frequency)), frequency) real_end = Fraction(int(round(end * frequency)), frequency) index: np.ndarray[Any, Any] = np.arange( real_start, real_end + Fraction(1, frequency), Fraction(1, frequency), ) if frequency == 1: index = index.astype(int) return pd.Series(obj, index=index)
[docs] @dataclass class SrcRef: """Reference to a source file location.""" first_line: int first_byte: int last_line: int last_byte: int first_column: int last_column: int first_parsed: int last_parsed: int srcfile: SrcFile
def srcref_constructor( obj: tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int], attrs: Mapping[str, Any], ) -> SrcRef: return SrcRef(*obj, srcfile=attrs["srcfile"])
[docs] @dataclass class SrcFile: """Source file.""" filename: str file_encoding: str | None string_encoding: str | None
def srcfile_constructor( obj: REnvironment, attrs: Mapping[str, Any], # noqa: ARG001 ) -> SrcFile: frame = obj.frame assert frame is not None filename = frame["filename"][0] file_encoding = frame.get("encoding") string_encoding = frame.get("Enc") return SrcFile( filename=filename, file_encoding=file_encoding, string_encoding=string_encoding, )
[docs] @dataclass class SrcFileCopy(SrcFile): """Source file with a copy of its lines.""" lines: Sequence[str]
def srcfilecopy_constructor( obj: REnvironment, attrs: Mapping[str, Any], # noqa: ARG001 ) -> SrcFileCopy: frame = obj.frame assert frame is not None filename = frame["filename"][0] file_encoding = frame.get("encoding", (None,))[0] string_encoding = frame.get("Enc", (None,))[0] lines = frame["lines"] return SrcFileCopy( filename=filename, file_encoding=file_encoding, string_encoding=string_encoding, lines=lines, ) Constructor = Callable[[Any, Mapping[str, Any]], Any] ConstructorDict = Mapping[ Union[str, bytes], Constructor, ] default_class_map_dict: Final[ConstructorDict] = { "data.frame": dataframe_constructor, "factor": factor_constructor, "ordered": ordered_constructor, "ts": ts_constructor, "srcref": srcref_constructor, "srcfile": srcfile_constructor, "srcfilecopy": srcfilecopy_constructor, } #: Default mapping of constructor functions. DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP: Final = MappingProxyType(default_class_map_dict)
[docs] class Converter(abc.ABC): """Interface of a class converting R objects in Python objects."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def convert(self, data: parser.RData | parser.RObject) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Convert a R object to a Python one."""
@dataclass class UnresolvedReference: references: MutableMapping[int, Any] index: int
[docs] class SimpleConverter(Converter): """ Class converting R objects to Python objects. Args: constructor_dict: Dictionary mapping names of R classes to constructor functions with the following prototype: .. code-block :: python def constructor(obj, attrs): ... This dictionary can be used to support custom R classes. By default, the dictionary used is :data:`~rdata.conversion._conversion.DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP` which has support for several common classes. default_encoding: Default encoding used for strings with unknown encoding. If `None`, the one stored in the file will be used, or ASCII as a fallback. force_default_encoding: Use the default encoding even if the strings specify other encoding. global_environment: Global environment to use. By default is an empty environment. base_environment: Base environment to use. By default is an empty environment. """ def __init__( self, constructor_dict: ConstructorDict = DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP, *, default_encoding: str | None = None, force_default_encoding: bool = False, global_environment: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None = None, base_environment: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> None: self.constructor_dict = constructor_dict self.default_encoding = default_encoding self.force_default_encoding = force_default_encoding self.global_environment = REnvironment( {} if global_environment is None else global_environment, ) self.base_environment = REnvironment( {} if base_environment is None else base_environment, ) self.empty_environment: Mapping[str, Any] = REnvironment({}) self._reset() def _reset(self) -> None: self.references: MutableMapping[int, Any] = {} self.default_encoding_used = self.default_encoding
[docs] @override def convert( self, data: parser.RData | parser.RObject, ) -> Any: self._reset() return self._convert_next(data)
def _convert_next( # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 self, data: parser.RData | parser.RObject, ) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """Convert a R object to a Python one.""" obj: parser.RObject if isinstance(data, parser.RData): obj = data.object if self.default_encoding is None: self.default_encoding_used = data.extra.encoding else: obj = data attrs = convert_attrs(obj, self._convert_next) reference_id = id(obj) # Return the value if previously referenced value: Any = self.references.get(id(obj)) if value is not None: pass if == parser.RObjectType.SYM: # Return the internal string value = convert_symbol(obj, self._convert_next) elif == parser.RObjectType.LIST: # Expand the list and process the elements value = convert_list(obj, self._convert_next) elif == parser.RObjectType.CLO: assert obj.tag is not None assert obj.attributes is not None environment = self._convert_next(obj.tag) formals = self._convert_next(obj.value[0]) body = self._convert_next(obj.value[1]) attributes = self._convert_next(obj.attributes) value = RFunction( environment=environment, formals=formals, body=body, attributes=attributes, ) elif == parser.RObjectType.ENV: # Return a ChainMap of the environments value = convert_env(obj, self._convert_next) elif == parser.RObjectType.LANG: # Expand the list and process the elements, returning a # special object rlanguage_list = convert_list(obj, self._convert_next) assert isinstance(rlanguage_list, list) attributes = self._convert_next( obj.attributes, ) if obj.attributes else {} value = RLanguage(rlanguage_list, attributes) elif in { parser.RObjectType.SPECIAL, parser.RObjectType.BUILTIN, }: value = RBuiltin(name=obj.value.decode("ascii")) elif == parser.RObjectType.CHAR: # Return the internal string value = convert_char( obj, default_encoding=self.default_encoding_used, force_default_encoding=self.force_default_encoding, ) elif in { parser.RObjectType.LGL, parser.RObjectType.INT, parser.RObjectType.REAL, parser.RObjectType.CPLX, }: # Return the internal array value = convert_array(obj, attrs=attrs) elif == parser.RObjectType.STR: # Convert the internal strings value = np.array([self._convert_next(o) for o in obj.value]) elif == parser.RObjectType.VEC: # Convert the internal objects value = convert_vector(obj, self._convert_next, attrs=attrs) elif == parser.RObjectType.EXPR: rexpression_list = convert_vector( obj, self._convert_next, attrs=attrs, ) assert isinstance(rexpression_list, list) # Convert the internal objects returning a special object value = RExpression(rexpression_list) elif == parser.RObjectType.BCODE: value = RBytecode( code=self._convert_next(obj.value[0]), constants=[self._convert_next(c) for c in obj.value[1]], attributes=attrs, ) elif == parser.RObjectType.EXTPTR: value = RExternalPointer( protected=self._convert_next(obj.value[0]), tag=self._convert_next(obj.value[1]), ) elif == parser.RObjectType.S4: value = SimpleNamespace(**attrs) elif == parser.RObjectType.BASEENV: value = self.base_environment elif == parser.RObjectType.EMPTYENV: value = self.empty_environment elif == parser.RObjectType.MISSINGARG: value = NotImplemented elif == parser.RObjectType.GLOBALENV: value = self.global_environment elif == parser.RObjectType.REF: # Return the referenced value value = self.references.get(id(obj.referenced_object)) if value is None: reference_id = id(obj.referenced_object) assert obj.referenced_object is not None self.references[reference_id] = UnresolvedReference( self.references, reference_id, ) value = self._convert_next(obj.referenced_object) elif == parser.RObjectType.NILVALUE: value = None else: msg = f"Type {} not implemented" raise NotImplementedError(msg) if and attrs is not None: classname = attrs.get("class", ()) for i, c in enumerate(classname): constructor = self.constructor_dict.get(c, None) new_value = ( constructor(value, attrs) if constructor else NotImplemented ) if new_value is NotImplemented: missing_msg = ( f"Missing constructor for R class \"{c}\". " ) if len(classname) > (i + 1): solution_msg = ( f"The constructor for class " f"\"{classname[i+1]}\" will be " f"used instead." ) else: solution_msg = ( "The underlying R object is " "returned instead." ) warnings.warn( missing_msg + solution_msg, stacklevel=1, ) else: value = new_value break self.references[reference_id] = value return value
[docs] def convert( data: parser.RData | parser.RObject, constructor_dict: ConstructorDict = DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP, *, default_encoding: str | None = None, force_default_encoding: bool = False, global_environment: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None = None, base_environment: MutableMapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Any: # noqa: ANN401 """ Use the default converter (:func:`SimpleConverter`) to convert the data. Args: data: Parsed data. constructor_dict: Dictionary mapping names of R classes to constructor functions with the following prototype: .. code-block :: python def constructor(obj, attrs): ... This dictionary can be used to support custom R classes. By default, the dictionary used is :data:`~rdata.conversion._conversion.DEFAULT_CLASS_MAP` which has support for several common classes. default_encoding: Default encoding used for strings with unknown encoding. If `None`, the one stored in the file will be used, or ASCII as a fallback. force_default_encoding: Use the default encoding even if the strings specify other encoding. global_environment: Global environment to use. By default is an empty environment. base_environment: Base environment to use. By default is an empty environment. Examples: Parse one of the included examples, containing a vector >>> import rdata >>> >>> parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file( ... rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_vector.rda") >>> converted = rdata.conversion.convert(parsed) >>> converted {'test_vector': array([1., 2., 3.])} Parse another example, containing a dataframe >>> import rdata >>> >>> parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file( ... rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_dataframe.rda") >>> converted = rdata.conversion.convert(parsed) >>> converted {'test_dataframe': class value 1 a 1 2 b 2 3 b 3} """ return SimpleConverter( constructor_dict=constructor_dict, default_encoding=default_encoding, force_default_encoding=force_default_encoding, global_environment=global_environment, base_environment=base_environment, ).convert(data)